The Eisenhower Decision Matrix


By: Ray SaVonne

As our to-do lists get longer and longer, sometimes it becomes harder to prioritize which tasks to do and when to do them. There have been times when I’ve reviewed my to do’s for the day and everything seemed like a priority and I didn’t know where to start. Then, one day I came across the Eisenhower Decision Matrix. This decision matrix is a prioritization technique that helps when prioritizing the timeliness of your tasks and making important decisions quickly.

In order to successfully use the Eisenhower Decision Matrix, you’ll start by organizing your tasks into four categories based on their current relevance:

  1. Important 

    • This task needs to be done/completed ASAP.

  2. Urgent 

    • This task needs to be planned for and/or completed soon.

  3. Important and urgent 

    • This task needs to be planned for now and done ASAP. 

    • PRO TIP: If your task(s) fall within this category, sometimes delegating/outsourcing to others can be an asset to you!

  4. Unimportant 

    • This task isn’t important or urgent, it can wait.

By using this method you’ll have a clearer vision for the tasks you'll do first, revisit, delegate, or schedule for later.

Another helpful tip to keep in mind when prioritizing your tasks is to be sure you cross reference your own task list for important and urgent things before taking on someone else’s. Other people’s todo’s do have the ability to affect our workflow and productivity! Sometimes other people’s tasks are “urgent” to them, but we have to ask ourselves, “is this important enough for me to prioritize as urgent, too?” 

Here's to being one step closer to prioritizing what matters most and achieving your goals! 


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