How to Start Habit Stacking Today


By: Shariah James

Deviating from usual routines and forming new habits is hard. Habit Stacking can be used as a tool to make it easier to practice new habits throughout your day. When you habit stack, you are simply adding a habit onto a habit you already have. This simple action could significantly change your life by compounding habits and their results over time. 

Here are some examples:

1.        Wake – up + Drink Water

2.        Make breakfast + Listen to a podcast.

3.        Eat breakfast + Bible Study.

4.        Drink Coffee + Go over goals for the day.

5.        Drive + Listen to audible.

6.        Clock in + Immediately respond to emails.

7.        Eat lunch + Read a book.

8.        Go on a walk + Say 5 things you’re grateful for.  

9.        Drink Tea + Practice a new language on an app.

10.  Nighttime Routine + Place phone on a charger out of reach.

As you can see, habit stacking is all about adding onto the habits you already have. What are some ways you can start habit stacking today? Remember to start with small steps, track your progress and use our habit tracker!

Happy habit stacking!


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