Do These 5 Things to Help You Study


By: Shariah James

We hear a lot about discipline kicking in when we don’t feel motivated, but we don’t hear a lot about ways to promote discipline in our workspace. Here are 5 tips to promote discipline in your next study sesh!

1.  Listen to Lo-Fi Music

Research suggests that listening to Lo-Fi can actually boost your mood because it alters your dopamine levels. When dopamine levels are increased, stress is decreased, and this helps you focus more on the task in front of you!

2.  Wear Blue-Light Glasses

Blue light glasses prevent digital eye strain which can help relieve headaches and prevent poor sleep. You can also pick out different frames that look good on you which might encourage you to study more. When you look good, you feel good and, in this case, when you feel good, you study good, too!

3.  Write Checklist/ To-Do List

Use checklists and to-do lists to formulate a study plan. Write down a list of everything you need to do and then prioritize what needs to be done now and what can be done later. Sticking to your top priorities helps cut down on unproductive study time. When you finish a task, don’t forget to mark it off!

4.  Use the Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro Method is a time management tool used to track your studying habits. It is very helpful. When using this method, you study for 25-30 minutes, take a 5-minute break, and then repeat this study & break cycle 5 times. On the fifth cycle, you take a longer break – usually 30 min to 1 hour. If you want to know more about this extremely effective practice, we’ve blogged about it here.

5.  Focus on Your Focus

Usually, focusing is not an issue – it’s just what we’re choosing to focus on that takes us closer or further away from our goals.  After you are able to clearly identify what you need to focus on, take steps 1-4 and apply them heavily. And if one of these steps is not applicable, keep trying different techniques until you find what works best for you. Focusing on your focus is a skill that takes time, remember to be patient with yourself!


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