Sow a Seed


By: Shariah James

“The sluggards appetite craves and gets nothing, but the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied.” Proverbs 13:4


Being able to sow a seed is a gift. I was reading a devotional the other day and it was explaining that by sowing seeds, we have the ability to satisfy our cravings. If we are not sowing seeds however, we will have constant cravings with no satisfaction. This brings in the scripture, Proverbs 13:4. If we are diligent (using thoughtful and persistent work effort) with sowing our seed, our appetite will be abundantly supplied.


Maybe your seed looks like going back to school, starting a business or prioritizing your health. Whatever your seed is - a decision, a habit, or a routine … understand that your seed is undoubtedly your ability to do something somebody else can’t do. Our seeds are tailor made for us and our harvests are specific to our desires. 


4 Things to Keep in Mind: 

1. Prepare. When God gives you a seed, you need to be ready to sow it. Teal the ground now. Prepare your heart now. Get your environment in order now. Your harvest depends on it.

2.  Give yourself time. The saying goes “Seed. Time. Harvest.” Your growth may not happen overnight, but it will happen over time.

3. Be resilient, keep going, give yourself grace and time so you can see your harvest.

4. Lastly, scatter seeds for others. Do not keep what God has given you to yourself. You never know how the harvest of your seeds may affect others.


Remember: Sow your seed. Give it time. Gather the harvest.


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