Quick Tips For Planning Group Trips


By: Ray SaVonne

Planning a group trip can get stressful at times, but here’s a quick guide to ensure everyone’s on the same page for a smooth travel experience!

1. Start with a clear vision

Encourage the group to discuss and agree upon the purpose, destination, and duration of the trip. Having a clear vision from the beginning will help guide the planning process and ensure everyone is on the same page. Is this a trip or a vacation? Trips are getaways that are filled with sightseeing and excursions, where being on time is a priority. A vacation is a getaway that’s more free-flowing with relaxation being the priority. 

2. Establish a budget 

Money can be a sensitive topic, so it's important to establish a budget early on. Encourage open communication about individual budgets and expectations for expenses such as accommodation, transportation, meals, and activities. This will help avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts later on. 

3. Communicate and compromise 

Effective communication is key when planning a group trip. Having open dialogue ensures everyone's needs and preferences are taken into account. Be prepared to compromise and find middle ground when conflicts or disagreements arise.

4. Delegate responsibilities

Planning a group trip can be overwhelming for one person. Encourage your group to delegate responsibilities based on their individual strengths and interests. Assign someone to research accommodation options, another person to handle transportation, and so on. This will distribute the workload and make the planning process more efficient. If there’s only one person planning the trip, here’s a quick checklist for what to book and info to send out:

  • Accommodation (where will you all stay?)

  • Transportation (to and from the airport, and throughout your stay. Will you rent a car, use a car service, or use Uber/Lyft/Taxis? Pro Tip: many excursions offer pickup, so be sure to ask if it’s an option if you don’t plan on getting a rental or booking a car service)

  • Excursions (what will you do and when will you do it?)

  • Put everything onto a one page quick reference itinerary (if possible), this will help alleviate any confusion or questions people may have about what each day entails.

5. Plan for downtime: 

Whether your group decides on a trip or a vacation, be sure to plan with flexible itineraries. While it's important to have a general itinerary, leaving room for flexibility and spontaneity allows for a more enjoyable time. Allow for rest days or leisurely activities where the group can relax and recharge. This will help prevent burnout and ensure everyone has a chance to truly enjoy the trip. Not everyone in the group may have the same interests or energy levels on the same days, so incorporating a flexible itinerary can make the trip more enjoyable for everyone!

6. Use technology to your advantage: 

Take advantage of online tools and apps to streamline the planning process. Setting up a shared email address with all the trip’s details will allow everyone to have access to everything that’s going on. If you're a more in-depth group, you can create a shared note in your phone or create a document/spreadsheet where everyone can contribute ideas and information. Also, using group messaging apps like whatsapp will help keep everyone updated and informed about the progress of the trip.

7. Consider group discounts and deals: 

Many attractions, accommodations, and transportation providers offer group discounts. Research and take advantage of these deals to save money - consider booking group activities or tours that cater specifically to larger groups. Using sites like “TripAdvisor” and “Airbnb Experiences” are great places to start!  

Hope this helps! Your inner Kléi is only a decision away!


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