Boost Productivity with This Method


By: Shariah James

When I was in grad school, I was having issues staying focused while studying. Before I knew it, time would fly by and I was nowhere close to reaching my study goals. Then, I stumbled upon this study technique called the Pomodoro Method and it improved my productivity tremendously. So, if you’re struggling with being productive then this technique might be helpful for you also!

What is it?

The Pomodoro Method is a time management method created by entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo. He was having trouble studying as a university student too and he started challenging himself to study in small timed increments. The timer he used to track his methods was shaped like a tomato, hence the name Pomodoro (Italian for tomato). Now that this method has been perfected, it has been helping individuals develop a positive relationship with productivity and time for decades.


How to use:

  • Put a timer on for 25 minutes and work on one task. Try your best to be undisrupted/undistracted.

    • If any thoughts or distractions arise that take you away from studying, write them down to come back to later.

  • After the 25-minute timer goes off, set a 5-minute timer for a break.

    • During these 5 minutes, you can check your email, social networks, return a text, or refer to anything you wrote down in the first step, but do not let your break last longer than 5 minutes!

  • Perform the 25-minute work and 5-minute break method 4 times in a row.

  • After the fourth time, take a 15 - 30-minute break, before starting this method over again (if need be).


By practicing this method, you will become more productive and able to truly maximize your time! Enjoy!


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