4 Ways to Deal with Uncertainty


By: Shariah James

These four strategies for managing uncertainty not only assist in handling the unexpected but also empower individuals to conquer its challenges.

  1. Pray. Talk to God about how you feel and thank Him in advance for working everything out. He is your strong tower, refuge and defender (Proverbs 18:10, Psalms 18:2). You can trust Him. He will never forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8).

  2. Stay in the present. This will help you to not overthink. Thinking of the “what if’s” can lead to anxiety and fear, which is unproductive. Take deep breaths and remember to “be where your feet are”.

  3. Move with kindness and patience. Be kind to yourself during this time - you are building a person. Be patient with yourself as well. Practicing patience helps you regulate your emotions and benefits your wellbeing.

  4. Remind yourself of who you are. If you need help in this area, remember this: You are enough. You are blessed. Uncertainty lasts only for a moment. You will succeed!



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