Decorating Simplified


By: Ray SaVonne

It’s almost summer time, and if you’re anything like me, a new season means a good deep cleaning and new decorative vibes in my space. For me, I love to redecorate as the seasons change, so here are a few easy tips if you’re wanting to redecorate your space as well:

1.) Pick a color pallet:

Start with asking yourself “how do I want this space to make me feel?” Once you’ve got your answer, research two to four colors that represent the feeling you want (main color and accent color(s)). The accent color(s) should compliment the main color but also pop! Doing a quick google search is always helpful to make sure you’re on the right track! 

 2.) Incorporate Greenery:

 Always plan to incorporate some form of greenery. Think table plants, floor potted plants, or anything that resembles growth.

3.) Equalize Color Distribution:

Decide on the focal point and color of your space and work around it. Everything you do in the space should complement that focal point, but should not overtake its focus. 

For example: If your main focus is the couch or your bedspread/comforter, then your accent color should always be displayed in the color of your curtains and/or rugs to bring the room together. 

4.) Shading:

Don’t be afraid to take multiple shades of the same color and place it throughout your space (think trinkets, books, artwork etc.). This allows your space to have flow and neutrality.

5.) Simplify & Declutter:

Less is more so try not to worry about filling up the space or every wall all at once. 

6.) Add & Take Away as Needed:

Sometimes we think something will look good together and then when it’s actually in front of us it doesn’t, and that’s OK and normal starting out. Always keep your receipts and tags until your space is exactly how you want it. 

7.) Enjoy the Process: 

Decorating the perfect space is definitely a process, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the ebbs and flows of it all. 

Here’s to a new season and decorating a space that truly reflects who you are and how you feel!


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