30 Ways to Get Better This Week


By: Shariah James

I was reading a popular book called Atomic Habits where author, James Clear, explained the concept of compounding habits over time. He said that by getting 1% better everyday, you will be 37 times better in one year.

Most areas people want to improve in are relationships, finances, health, career, spirituality, time management, confidence and a few others. We may not be able to tackle all these areas at once, but I think that if we picked the most important area in our life that needs improvement and worked on that area every single day, it would influence the other areas in our life that need improvement as well. If you need help figuring out ways to improve, no problem! Here are 30 ways you can get 1% better everyday this week. Choose one behavior and watch the benefits of that built habit compound overtime!

  1. Write 3 things you are grateful for.

  2. Read 1 Chapter in a book.

  3. Start therapy.

  4. Walk a mile.

  5. Take deep breaths.

  6. Forgive, daily.

  7. Practice a skill.

  8. Drink a cup of tea.

  9. Speak up for yourself.

  10. Finish a puzzle.

  11. Moisturize your skin.

  12. Pray.

  13. Laugh.

  14. Drink more water.

  15. Clean your room.

  16. Read a devotional.

  17. Read a biography.

  18. Spend time in nature.

  19. Listen to a podcast.

  20. Eat more protein.

  21. Strength train.

  22. Say positive affirmations.

  23. Meditate.

  24. Watch a documentary.

  25. Limit time on social media.

  26. Make a bucket list.

  27. Reward yourself.

  28. Write out your goals.

  29. Focus on the positives.

  30. Look at the bigger picture.

Remember - just do it!


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