Is Your Relationship Lacking Reciprocity?


By: Ray SaVonne

Reciprocity is the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit. Essentially, reciprocity is sustaining the people who sustain you! This is important because it helps build and maintain healthy, reliable and long-lasting relationships. It not only fosters trust and understanding, but also a sense of balance between all parties involved.

In my experience, whenever I’ve felt like a relationship (platonic or romantic) was off, it was usually due to a lack of reciprocity. As we get older, maintaining healthy relationships becomes more and more difficult, so, having reciprocity within those relationships becomes that much more important as well! It’s not always easy to detect at first, but here are seven common things to look for when building and maintaining reciprocity in your relationships:

1. Lack of initiative: 

If you are always the one initiating contact, making plans, or showing support without the other person reciprocating, it may be a sign of imbalance.

2. Disregard for your feelings:

If the other person dismisses your emotions, needs, or boundaries without considering how their actions impact you, it can signal a lack of reciprocity.

3. Lack of appreciation: 

If the other person fails to express gratitude or acknowledge the efforts you put into the relationship, it may be a sign that they are not valuing your contributions.

4. Self-centered behavior: 

When someone constantly talks about themselves, their needs, and their achievements without showing interest in your life or well-being, it may indicate a lack of reciprocity.

5. Unwillingness to compromise: 

If the other person is unwilling to meet you halfway or make compromises in the relationship, it can suggest a lack of mutual contribution.

6. Taking without giving back:

If someone consistently accepts your help, time, and/or resources without offering anything in return, it may be a sign that they are not practicing reciprocity.

7. One-sided conversations: 

If you find yourself in a situation where there’s a lack of communication or one-sided conversations it may indicate a lack of interest.

By being aware of these signs, you can better assess whether your relationships is lacking reciprocity. When reciprocity exists within your relationship(s), you’ll feel it! - You’ll feel safe, seen, loved and valued. Never settle!

Here's to pouring into those who pour into you! 


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