How to Wait with Expectation


By: Shariah James

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”. – Aristotle

What does waiting with expectation look like? Here are 5 ways you can wait with the expectation that everything is going to work out for you. If you make it a habit to do these things, next time you feel frustrated or disappointed by waiting, you can still expect the best outcome.

1. Believe in yourself. Don’t doubt yourself. Even if you disappointed yourself, the mere fact that you can hold yourself accountable to that, lets you know there is still a longing for greatness inside of you. Think of self-belief as a seed. You want to water this seed with positivity and expose the seed to light bearing things only, so it can grow.

2. Practice gratitude. The quickest way to rob yourself of expectation is to fall into ungratefulness. Ungratefulness blinds you and leads to negativity. So, when things feel like they are not going right, immediately say 5 things to yourself that are going right. This simple act can boost your mood and help you see the bigger picture.

3. Prepare. If you are having to wait for something, there is a reason. While you have this time of waiting, prepare. Keep seeking and aligning yourself with what you have been asking for. Down time is prep time. When the opportunity comes, you want to be ready!

4. Stay in good company. If I told you, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, would you expect to get what you are waiting for? If not, you need to either adjust the company you keep or adjust your expectations. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Treat this moment with respect. Be a good manager of who and what you keep around you. The next season of your life depends on it.

5. Change your perspective. Oftentimes, God lets things happen to us in order to teach us something. Take a step back from the stress of waiting and decide to see what the lesson is. It is imperative for you to believe that your future is in God’s hands and that His hands are better than your own. If you can learn the lesson, you can get the blessing.

Remember, what you are waiting for is worth fighting for!


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