How to Glow Up


By: Shariah James

If you want to be a better version of yourself and become more attractive, confident and successful, follow these 5 steps. 

1. Wake-up Earlier.

Waking up earlier is the first opportunity of the day to be intentional. If you need help creating a morning routine, check out this blog. Over time, you will see that waking up earlier improves your concentration, mental clarity and productivity. These benefits lead to a glow up in no time.


2. Read more.

Reading gives you different perspectives, deeper understanding and better communication skills. Socio-economist and author Randall Bell says that “those who read seven or more books per year are more than 122% more likely to be millionaires as opposed to those who never read or only read one to three books”. It’s also noted that those who read more, read to find hidden lessons and solutions. Habits build lifestyles, start reading today!


3. Focus on your physical health.

This helps you decrease stress, increase energy and is great for your mental health. Not to mention, this is great for your confidence and attractability. Use our habit tracker to help you track your eating, physical activity and sleeping habits!


4. Make spirituality a priority.

Focusing on your relationship with God provides you a sense of purpose, meaning and direction. When you spend time with God, your spirit strengthens, and you just glow differently. Besides, what better way to learn how to glow up than with the light of the world? (John 9:5)  


5. Have a self-care routine.

Glowing up looks good but it’s work! Self-care routines help reduce anxiety, increase happiness and help you recover from setbacks. Take care of yourself so you can glow from the inside out! 


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