Cultivating a Positive Mindset


By: Ray SaVonne

“Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life span.” -Matthew 6:27

Over the years, I’ve struggled with anxiety and control issues. There would be times when I couldn’t go to sleep because my mind was racing trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life, why things happened the way they did or why something didn’t go the way I had planned. As I tried to control every little thing, I constantly felt overwhelmed, sad and tired, which ultimately paid an immense toll on my mind, body and soul. 

I knew I had to do something to overcome these negative thoughts. I decided to surrender all my worries and anxieties to God and let Him be the foundation of the positive mindset I wanted to attain. The journey was challenging for me to say the least. For me, the biggest problem I had was really “giving it to God.” It took some time before I actually was able to give my thoughts, worries and anxieties to Him. I thought if I just say “God, I give it to you," that’s all I had to do. But I quickly realized I wasn’t believing it. I would pray and give “it to God” and then the next day still have worry in my heart about it - which is not fully, genuinely and truly trusting in God to handle it. Embracing a positive mindset requires patience, practice, and a willingness to let go of negativity. 

Through my process, keeping these things in mind really helped this positive mindset become second nature:

Asking “can I do anything to change this?” 

  • If it’s a no, then let it go and let God handle it!

Being patient while waiting for an answer from God. 

  • God’s timing is everything! He’s working even if we don't see it. 

Remembering anxiety and negative mindsets tend to come from a place of darkness. 

  • God is a God of light. He cares about what we’re going through and He wants what’s best for us. 

Saying positive affirmations/reciting God’s word throughout the day.

  • This allows you to stay positive, while using God’s word as an armor of peace.

Not getting upset, deterred or discouraged when things don’t go the way you thought.

  • God's protection is full of redirection(s)  - both seen and unseen.

When asking/praying for something specific, always say: “if it’s in YOUR will for my life, God please [insert prayer]….”  

  • This allows me to be aware of what I’m asking in Jesus’ name, while also understanding that He is in full control, and I trust His will will be done regardless of my desired outcome.

These things really helped in cultivating a sense of peace and resilience within myself and I hope it does for you too! 

Here’s to cultivating and nurturing a positive mindset!


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