Sunday Reset Routine


By: Shariah James

We go through our weeks tackling responsibilities, managing emotions and navigating through life the best we can. Although this is commendable, it can leave us burnt out, tired and frustrated. “Sunday Reset Routines” have been trending on social media as the designated day to reset, refocus and recharge. While this blog is filled with activities to do for a Sunday reset routine, the ideas here can be applied to any day of the week that works best for you.

Spend time with God. If you are able, go to church or watch church online. If you are unable to do that, read a scripture, pray or read a devotional. Strengthening your spirit and getting direction from God is the best way to reset, refocus and recharge your week.

Do the laundry. Wash, dry, fold and hang your clothes up. If you want to revamp your closet, check out this blog here. While you’re rearranging your clothes, wash your bed sheets. Clean sheets give your body’s place of rest a reset for the week as well. When you are done putting your bed back together, don’t forget to spray febreeze, this helps freshness linger.

Rearrange the fridge. Throw away old food containers, empty, or expired bottles and wipe anything that has spilled. Next, rearrange and group like items in your fridge to make them easily accessible. The goal is to be able to open your fridge and quickly see everything that you have, nothing should be “hiding”. This will help with grocery shopping and efficient meal planning.

Clean your living space. Having a clean living space has been directly linked to many positive health benefits including improved focus, increased sleep quality and decreased stress and anxiety.

Clean your workspace. Many people work from home or have a designated area where they complete work while at home. A clean workspace makes it easier to stay focused, organized and productive throughout the week.

Cook something delicious. Or order something delicious, either one. But, cooking specifically stimulates your senses and releases endorphins (feel good hormones) that boosts your mood.

Light a candle. Let the ambiance of a candle calm you. Let the scent of your favorite candle relax you. Reset your space by lighting a candle.

Prepare for the week. Make a to-do list. Write your weekly goals in an agenda. Set small goals to achieve your bigger ones. Get gas. Go through a car wash. Grocery shop. Buy yourself flowers. Prepare your gym clothes for the next day. Remember that down time is prep time! Do whatever you need to do now to prepare for the week. 

Practice self-care. When you go through your reset day make sure to take care of yourself. Give yourself the option to get your favorite latte, call a friend, do a face mask, take a bath or do your nails. If you want to know about more ways to self-care, check out this blog on 20 self-care ideas.

Rest. Rest is not a reward; rest is a necessity. This is your permission to do nothing and not feel bad about it. You’ve worked hard. You deserve this.

You may not get through this full list every designated reset day, but when you practice any of these habits, you’re taking a step toward your best self. Reset, refocus, recharge!

Save and print this image to use as a To-Do list for your next reset day.


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