30 Things to be Thankful For


By: Shariah James

Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more.” – Oprah 

It’s finally Fall! This season is a favorite for many. A time known for reflection and gratitude. Whether you know what you’re thankful for or not this season, let this list inspire you! 

30 Things to be Thankful For: 

1.     Health

2.     Time

3.     Education

4.     Family

5.     Friendship

6.     Kindness

7.     Patience

8.     Work

9.     Safety

10.  Transportation

11.  Opportunity

12.  Laughter

13.  Growth

14.  Beauty

15.  Lessons

16.  Love

17.  Community

18.  God’s Promises

19.  Understanding

20.  Accountability

21.  Self-Awareness

22.  Emotional Intelligence

23.  Grace

24.  Work Ethic

25.  Provision

26.  Character

27.  Freedom

28.  Nature

29.  Support

30.  YOU!

If you want to take gratitude a step further, you can purchase this Gratitude Journal and join millions of others as they write what they are thankful for every day! 

As always, we’re grateful for you, thank you for reading!


The Kléi


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